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Pet & Plant Sitting

Dedicated to taking care of your little loved ones while you are away

Professional Pet &/or Plant Sitting Services provided by Advocates 4 Animals supports life-saving efforts in the local community. We are cat and dog lovers as well as experts and we will treat your home, pets, and plants with great love and care.

Please tell us:
-about your pet(s) and plant(s)
-location (city)
-what dates you need a cat/plant sitter

Cat Sitting Service - In Your Home

Includes feeding, fresh water change, litter box scooping, bringing in mail, switching lights, and of course, giving your cat some love and attention if they prefer it (some shy cats don't). Email us for pricing or with questions.

Kitten Sleeping in Pet Bed

Plant Sitting Service - In Your Home

Includes plant watering, feeding, and trimming if needed. Service is geared toward small indoor/outdoor gardens and houseplants. This service is designed for Plant parents without pets. Email us for pricing or with questions.

Watering House Plants

Combined Cat/Dog & Plant Sitting Service - In Your Home

This service is designed for parents who are in need of a sitter for both pets & plants. Includes all services (outlined for each) above. Email us for pricing or with questions. 

Cat in a Green Vest

Dog Sitting Service - In Your Home

This service is designed for parents who are in need of an in-home visiting daytime petsitter for their dog. Includes attention, letting outside to use the bathroom, feeding, change of water. Email us for pricing or with questions. 

Black Dog
Dog Walking Service - from your home

This service is designed for parents who are in need of a dog walker. Walk starts and ends at the dogs home at a designated time(s)/date(s). Walks are made to fit each individual dogs needs and can be up to 30 minutes of walking time. Email us for pricing or with questions. 

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